Belc Krnjaić, Petra. 2022. “Proizvodni okvir – profesionalna i amaterska kinematografija” (“Production framework – professional and amateur cinema”), in: Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, No. 109, Zagreb: HFS.
Belc, Petra. 2022. “Home Movies and Cinematic Memories: Fixing the gaze on Vukica Đilas and Tatjana Ivančić”, in: Experimental Cinemas in State Socialist Eastern Europe, Sonja Simonyi and Ksenya Gurshtein (eds.), Amsterdam University Press. p. 151-174.
Belc, Petra. 2020. “Aparat kao sadržaj: Izvedbenost tehnologije i jugoslavenski eksperimentalni film” (“Apparatus as Content: The Performativity of Technology and Yugoslav Experimental Film”), in: Yugoslav Performance Art: On the Deferred Production of Knowledge, Goran Pavlić (ed.), Apparatus Film, Media and Digital Cultures of Central and Eastern Europe, No 11 (2020), DOI:
Belc Krnjaić, Petra. 2020. “(auto)Portret teorijskog kubizma Roberta Stama” (“(self)Portrait of theoretical cubism by Robert Stam”), in: Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, No. 102-103, Zagreb: HFS. p. 206-212.
Belc Krnjaić, Petra. 2020. “Filmske mačke – feministička kritika zoomorfizma na filmu” (“Cinematic Cats – Feminist Critique of Zoomorphism on Screen”, in: Ekofeminizam: između ženskih i zelenih studija (Ecofeminism: Between Womens and Green Studies), Suzana Marjanić and Goran Đurđević (eds.), Zagreb: Durieux. p. 341-369.
Belc, Petra. 2020. “Filmski autsajderi – Uz 65. međunarodni festival kratkometražnoga filma u Oberhausenu, 1–6. svibnja 2019.” (“Film Outsiders – the 65th Oberhausen International Film Festival, 1–6 May 2019”), in: Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, No. 101, Zagreb: HFS. p. 102-109.
Belc, Petra. 2019. “Film kao životno opredjeljenje – Razgovor s Hrvojem Turkovićem” (“Cinema as a Life Commitment – conversation with Hrvoje Turković”), in: Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, No. 100, Zagreb: HFS. p. 8-25.
Belc Krnjaić, Petra. 2019. “Some Remarks on the Position of Women in the History of Yugoslav Experimental Cinema: The Case of Tatjana Ivančić”, in: Disrupting Historicity, Reclaiming the Future, Silvana Carotenuto et al. (eds.), Naples: ‘L’Orientale’ University Press and Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research. p. 249-270.
Belc, Petra. 2018. “‘To engage or not engage is a moral question’: RE: Starting the Future – a view from below”, in: Film in the Present Tense: Why Can’t We Stop Talking About Analogue Film?, Philipp Widman et al. (eds.), Berlin: Archive Books. p. 127- 137.
Belc, Petra. 2017. “Kako pamtim / ili / Od nesigurnosti, od fragmenta. Međuzavisnot, pokušaj rasplitanja br. 3” (“How do I remember / or / Of Insecurities, of Fragments. Interdependency, Attempt of Untagling nr. 3”), in: Čitanka – A Reader for performative-theoretical conversations, No.1, Zagreb: Četveroruka. p. 18-24.
Belc, Petra, Judith Waldmann and Sarah Werkmeister. 2017. “Will art lose its power in the collision? – 13th Istanbul Biennial”, in: I can’t work like this: A Reader on Recent Boycotts and Contemporary Art, Joanna Warsza et al. (eds.), Berlin: Sternberg Press. p. 90-163.
Belc, Petra. 2016. “Eksperimentalni film sa ženskim potpisom: kratak pregled odabranih tema i filmova” (“Experimental Film with a Female Signature: Short Overview of Selected Topics and Films”), in: Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, No. 85, Zagreb: HFS. p. 56-78.
Belc, Petra. 2016. “Mihovil Pansini i antifilm: teorijski i povijesni aspekti” (“Mihovil Pansini and Antifilm – Theoretical and Historical Aspects”), in: Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, No. 88, Zagreb: HFS. p. 6-33.
Belc, Petra. 2016. “Pred Narcisovim zrcalom” (“In Front of Narcisus’ Mirror), in: Filmonaut, No. 15, Zagreb: Blank.
Belc, Petra. 2015. “Nan Goldin – fotografski diskurs o ljubavi” (“Nan Goldin – Photographic Discourse on Love”), in: O pričama i pričanju danas (About stories and storytelling today), Ljiljana Marks and Jelena Marković (eds.), Zagreb: Institute of Ethnology and Folklor Research. p. 417-445.
Belc, Petra. 2015. “Film i filozofija – Dominique Chateau” (“Film and Philosophy – Dominique Chateau”), in: Sociologija i prostor, No. 53, Zagreb: Institute for Social Research. p. 181-185.
Belc, Petra. 2015. “Dnevnici, bilješke, skice – filmska poezija Jonasa Mekasa” (“‘Diaries, Notes and Sketches’ – Cinematic Poetry of Jonas Mekas”), in: Filmonaut, No. 14, Zagreb: Blank.
Belc, Petra and Maša Peče. 2015. “Tekstualne superimpozicije #1-15” (“Textual Superimpositions #1-15”), in: Filmonaut, No. 11, Zagreb: Blank.
Belc, Petra. 2015. “(Ne)Savršenstvo feminističke metode – Razgovor s Katherine Borland” “(Im)Perfection of the Feminist method – Conversation with Katherine Borland”), in: Zarez, No. 413.
Belc, Petra. 2015. “Muškarci oko žene s kamerom – Finding Vivian Maier” (“Men Surrounding Woman with a Camera – Finding Vivian Maier”), in: Zarez, No. 404.
Belc, Petra. 2015. “Živa slika na filmu – primjeri, uzroci, značenja” (“Tableau Vivant in Film – Examples, Causes, Meanings), in Kazalište: Magazine for Performing Arts, No. 59/60, Zagreb: HCITI, p. 74-83.
Belc, Petra. 2014. “Celuloidno oružje prošlosti u borbi za razumijevanje budućnosti – Uvod u prošlost, Boris Buden i Želimir Žilnik” (“Celluloid Weapons of the Past Aimed at Understanding the Future – Introduction to the past by Boris Buden and Želimir Žilnik), in: Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, No. 79/80, Zagreb: HFS, p. 169-173.
Belc, Petra. 2014. “Svijet prema Kubelki – razgovor s Peterom Kubelkom” (“The world according to Kubelka – Conversation with Peter Kubelka), in: Zarez, No. 396.
Belc, Petra. 2014. “Sve je to movie! – Kino drugim sredstvima, Pavle Levi” (“Everything is a movie! –Cinema by other means, Pavle Levi”), in: Hrvatski Filmski Ljetopis, No. 77/78, Zagreb: HFS, p. 267-271.
Belc, Petra and Milica Popović. 2014. “Yugonostalgia: Yugoslavia as a Meta-space in Contemporary Art Practices”, in: Život umjetnosti, No. 94, Zagreb: Institute of Art History, p. 18-35.
Belc, Petra. 2014. “Vorwärts erinnern! – Boris Buden and Želimir Žilnik”, in: Zarez, No. 377.
Belc, Petra. 2013. “(ne)Mogućnosti ispisivanja est/etike hepeninga kroz vizuru transparentnih slika” (“(im)Possibilities of writing an aesth/etics of happening through the frame of transparent images”), in: Kazalište: Magazine for Performing Arts, No. 53/54, Zagreb: HCITI, p. 30-49.
Belc, Petra. 2013. “Tko je Sophie Calle? Izvođenje sebstva na granici fikcije i fakcije” (“Who is Sophie Calle? Performing the self on the borderline between faction and fiction”), in: Život umjetnosti No. 92, Zagrebu: IPU, p. 58-75.
Belc, Petra. 2013. “Performativ kao izložba: izvedi i snesi posljedice” (“Performativ as an exhibition: perform and deal with the consequences”), in: Život umjetnosti No. 92, Zagreb: IPU, p. 147-149
Belc, Petra. 2013. “Umjetnost performansa i neoliberalna logika. Razgovor s Penny Arcade.” (“The Art of Performance and Neoliberal Logic. Conversation with Penny Arcade”), in: Kazalište: Magazine for Performing Arts, No. 53/54, Zagreb: HCITI, p. 28- 43.
Belc, Petra. 2011. “Fenomenologija psihodelične etnografije – razgovor s Benom Russellom” (“Phenomenology of Psychedelic Ethnography – Conversation with Ben Russell”), in: Zarez, No. 319.
“Hallelujah the Early works!”, conference paper & video-essay on Želimir Žilnik’s The Early Works (1969), The Avant-Garde Does Not Surrender: The Cinema of Želimir Žilnik, Harriman/Columbia, New York, 11/2023
“Women in Yugoslav Amateur Experimental Cinema”, conference paper, The Fourth Conference in Balkan Studies – “Connected Balkans”, “Marseille, 6/2022
“Rethinking the Yugoslav Black Wave: Želimir Žilnik and Branko Ivanda”, research presentation, co-author Nikica Gilić, international symposium “Eastern European Film and Screen Media” / Studies in Eastern European Cinemas Conference, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, e-UK, 4/2021
“Neither Programs nor Religions”: Amateur/Experimental/Avant-Garde Film Culture in Yugoslavia”, international symposium Picturing the margins: peripheries, minorities and taboos in the films of Marcel Lozinski, Pal Schiffer and Želimir Žilnik, Sorbonne Université (Eur’Orbem), Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3 (IRCAV), Université Aix-Marseille (LESA), INALCO (CREE), BULAC, Cinémathèque du documentaire (Centre Pompidou, e-Paris, 4/2021
“Cinematic Cats – Feminist Critique of Zoomorphism on Screen, International conference Ekofem: Word and Image, Institute for Ethnology and Folklore, Zagreb, 11/2020
“The Maritime Mini-documentaries: Restoring the Amateur Experimental and Super 8 Sound Films of Tatjana Ivančić”, introduction to the restauration project and a conversation with Nadja Šičarov (Österreichische Filmmuseum), International conference Orphan Film Symposium 2020 / Orphans Online – New York University, 5/2020
7th Alternative Film / Video Research Forum – International Kino Club Histories, conference paper “Yugoslav Cineclubs and the (Art) Market”, AFC/DKSG, Belgrade, 12/2018
The Warburg International Postgraduate Seminar “Forming Collectives: Strategies in Modern and Contemporary Art”, The Warburg Institute, Hamburg – conference paper Figures of collective creation: the humanism of GEFF and the liberatory strategies of Antifilm, Hamburg, 10/2017
“Vocal harmonies – Interdependency: Multiplying Perspectives”, performative conference on new theatrical expressions, round table discussion, invited participant, Zagreb, 2017
Alternative Film/Video 2016, roundtable discussion on Art Movements and Alternative Film&Video, invited participant, Belgrade, 12/2016
Alternative Film/Video 2015, roundtable discussion on Cinema in the Age of the Internet, invited participant, Belgrade, 12/2015
9th Postgraduate Course Feminisms in a Transnational Perspective – Disrupting Historicity, conference paper “Researching the Archive: Film, Feminism and the gap Between Theory and Practice”, awarded scholarship, IUC, Dubrovnik, 5/2015 “Four–handedness – A Painful Locus in the Intimate, societal and political context” – performative conference on new theatrical expressions, roundtable discussion, invited participant, Zagreb, 10/2014
8th Postgraduate Course Feminisms in a Transnational Perspective – Feminist Knowledge in Action, conference paper
“Women’s Experimental Cinema in Yugoslavia”, awarded scholarship, IUC, Dubrovnik, 5/2014
“About Stories and Storytelling Today”, International conference, conference paper “Nan Goldin – Photographic Discourse on Love”, the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb, 3/2013